Welcome to Integritas

A domestic centre of Christian faith

Integritas is a domestic centre of Christian faith based in the family home of Linda Rainsberry and Patrick Treacy at Ennisnag, Stoneyford, County Kilkenny, Ireland.


Integritas (l.integrity) is a name chosen to reflect the dynamic truth of Christian faith, which is that the self-surrendering love between the Father and the Son draws all of us to them and into one body as the Holy Spirit proceeds from them. Through their mutual, reciprocal and eternal love, they never cease to gather us to themselves and envelop us in their divine love.


Our deepest desire is to surrender to the movement of their love, which is realised in our lives when we honour four key and sequential relationships, being with:

  • God, the persons of the Holy Trinity
  • one’s own nature and calling
  • family, friends and the local Christian community
  • the universal Church, humanity and creation


The programme at Integritas concentrates upon these four relationships by focusing on:

  1. Contemplative Prayer as a way of becoming attuned to God, the persons of the Holy
    Trinity, with evenings of Christian prayer being held each Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. (except
    during the months of July and August);

  2. Missionary Discipleship as a way of becoming aligned with one’s own deepest nature and
    calling so as to lead to a Christian life, with an ongoing course entitled ‘The Integrity of
    Christian Life’ held on Saturdays;

  3. Familial Love and Friendship as a way of being attentive to one’s family, friends and local
    Christian community, with ongoing seminars entitled ‘Love Revealed’ held on Saturdays;

  4. Christian Anthropology as a way of understanding the universal Church, humanity and
    creation, so as to be authentic in how one works for a Christian society, with an ongoing
    lecture series on the Christian vision of humanity, entitled ‘Christian Reflections on Being
    Human’, held on Saturdays.